Travels in the Archive
Robert Gibbons
Published in 2009 by Edge Editions
Prose Poems
Robert Gibbons
Published in 2009 by Edge Editions
Prose Poems
Review by Jim Feast of Evergreen Review:
"Unacknowledged legislators." That's what Keats called poets, and down through the ages, many have nodded their heads in assent.....But there are poets, less treasured by the general public and media, who on all measures of writing skill equal the famed, and some of this group, such as Robert Gibbons, who in their verse present a picture of the world so robust and astonishing that one imagines their writing may ripple, unacknowledged as it is, through all the realms of culture.
In his new book, Travels Inside the Archive, which is a daily log of prose poems, covering from November 2007 to November 2008.....In his poetry he has one supreme subject: the pleasures of living.
Collaboration with the poet Robert Gibbons.
Three 4'x 8' panels printed on satin cloth.
Exhibited with a poetry reading at First Friday in Portland in 2015
A culmination of 40 years of collaborating and promoting Gibbons' work as a poet. This involved the making of cover art for his published books, readings, and the daily entries over two years on a website showcasing his work.
Three 4'x 8' panels printed on satin cloth.
Exhibited with a poetry reading at First Friday in Portland in 2015
A culmination of 40 years of collaborating and promoting Gibbons' work as a poet. This involved the making of cover art for his published books, readings, and the daily entries over two years on a website showcasing his work.
Portland Phoenix Review:
Collaboration with the poet Robert Gibbons.
Six 4'x 8' panels printed on satin cloth.
The three were exhibited with a poetry reading on First Friday in Portland in 2015
This is the culmination of 40 years of collaborating and promoting Gibbons' work as a poet. This involved the making of cover art for his published books, readings, and the daily entries over two years on a website showcasing his work.
Six 4'x 8' panels printed on satin cloth.
The three were exhibited with a poetry reading on First Friday in Portland in 2015
This is the culmination of 40 years of collaborating and promoting Gibbons' work as a poet. This involved the making of cover art for his published books, readings, and the daily entries over two years on a website showcasing his work.
Ten years ago, almost to the day, Gibbons was featured on the cover of the Portland Phoenix, with a review of his then new book, Body of Time, inside. Since then, he’s been working like Herman Melville hunting his own white whale. He wrote Beyond Time; Travels Inside the Archive; Jagged Timeline (a bilingual translation into Danish with a 33-page introduction aimed at a European audience by Bent Sorensen); Rhythm of Desire & Resistance; This Time, Traveling Companion; and To Know Others (a trilogy of book-length prose poems); Olson/Still: Crossroad; and The Degas, to name a few.
When Gibbons is not creating, he’s making the global rounds to talk about his work, and moreover, the work of the writers, painters, philosophers, and musicians who fuel his full-tank of creative genius.
In 2006, he was awarded a $10,000 grant from the John Anson Kittredge Fund to travel and read his work at the Poetry & Politics Conference at the University of Stirling in Scotland. In 2013, he was invited to give the keynote address at the second annual European Beat Studies Conference at Aalborg University. The title of the speech? “Kerouac & the Ecstatic Act of Writing.” Bénédicte Meillon, director of the conference called “Dwellings of Enchantment: Writing and Re-enchanting the Earth,” invited Gibbons to give a paper next June at the University of Perpignan, France. The talk will be titled “Cave of Being,” which is Charles Olson's translation of the Greek word, Ethos... -TG
Poetry and Art with Robert Gibbons and Bradford Fuller - Portland Phoenix
First Friday, September 4, 2015
"First Friday Art Walk buffs can have a full-blown experience of Robert Gibbons and Bradford Fuller collaborations at Federal Street Folly, beginning at 6:30 p.m. The two men will be discussing the writing & imagery Robert created, which inspired the Fuller pieces, The Leviathan and Homeland, on display during the talk."
"First Friday Art Walk buffs can have a full-blown experience of Robert Gibbons and Bradford Fuller collaborations at Federal Street Folly, beginning at 6:30 p.m. The two men will be discussing the writing & imagery Robert created, which inspired the Fuller pieces, The Leviathan and Homeland, on display during the talk."